Benefits of having your own printing equipment

‍Good product labeling is essential for any company. Many manufacturers recognize this, which is why they invest in good packaging design, not only to attract the attention of the consumer and provide all the information they need to know about the final product, but also to comply with all the information and specifications indicated by the authorities of each region where said product is distributed.

The use of labels is fundamental to give identity to the product, it is an element that can benefit the entire supply chain, as it fulfills the purpose of helping to classify and control the movements of the product within a warehouse, which is currently achieved through barcodes and RFID technology.

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There are different suppliers of label printing services around the world, they can offer more than one type of printing, which allows them to create labels for several types of materials and with more specialized techniques according to the needs of each customer.

However, these services add to the cost of production and remain the responsibility of hands other than those of the customer. For this reason, some manufacturers decide to invest in equipment and industrial printing materials and label their products within their facilities.


  • Reduction of printing costs: By having your own equipment, the only cost to cover is the material used for printing the labels, which is much cheaper than hiring the services of an external supplier.
  • Reduce the cost of storage: When there is no control over the number of printed labels, there may be residual units that require adequate storage, but are at risk of deteriorating before being used again, as they may lose their adhesive properties or a color that fades. In addition, if the information changes or the design of the label is modified, it is possible that the stored units become useless.
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  • Personalization control: Not only can the design be changed according to the manufacturer's preferences, but it is also possible to modify exact information such as the batch number or the expiry date of a product, not depending on another company, the concern about putting incorrect information on the final label.
  • Precise production: Most label suppliers offer their service by volume, that is, they will produce a certain number of units, which may be more or less than what is needed for current production so a larger purchase will be required. With a proprietary printer, an exact number of labels can be created according to the needs of each company.
  • Reduce lead time: Design review and delivery phases of printed labels are eliminated, and everything happens on-site and close to finished goods, helping the company get products to the market faster to successfully meet demand.
  • Quality control: The company is responsible for reviewing and approving the printed designs and creating test labels to determine that the result is as expected. With a third-party provider, this process can take up to several days. By having an industrial printer, the company has complete control over the labeling being produced, and design and print quality settings can be changed within minutes to achieve the desired result.


  • Initial investment: An industrial printer can have a prohibitive cost according to its functions, not to mention the materials required to make it work and produce the desired units. However, these tools offer superior quality to a commercial printer, giving a more professional result that will pay off.
  • Training of personnel: Trained personnel are required to operate these machines efficiently, so they can adjust the printers to achieve the expected result and detect errors that affect the quality of the printing.
  • Maintenance costs: If the printer suffers a fault, the attention of a trained technician is required, not only does this represent an additional cost when it comes to a hired technician, but it can also seriously affect the speed of production by unable to complete products while the printer is supported.

According to the size and needs of your company, it is possible that you will find great benefits in investing in a label printer, if this is the case, we would like to be your supplier. Contact us for more information



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